2023 Nonferrous metal forging technology High Feng Forum in Xi 'an successfully concluded
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  • 2023 Nonferrous metal forging technology High Feng Forum in Xi 'an successfully concluded

2023 Nonferrous metal forging technology High Feng Forum in Xi 'an successfully concluded


On October 16-18, 2023, the "2023 Nonferrous Metal Forging Technology Summit Forum" sponsored by China Forging Association, co-organized by the School of Materials of Northwestern Polytechnical University and supported by the Aviation Materials Forming Technology Branch of China Forging Association was successfully concluded in Xi 'an! More than 200 people from forging enterprises all over the country attended the meeting.

The conference arranged 17 professional reports, including 11 production enterprise reports and 6 equipment-related reports, and the participants carried out a comprehensive and mutually inspiring exchange from all levels of production technology and equipment. This conference is a big gathering of the non-ferrous metal forging industry, the report around the titanium alloy, superalloy, aluminum alloy, copper alloy and other non-ferrous alloy latest hot spots and trends were wonderful to elaborate and share, the quality of the report has been highly recognized by many representatives.

Leaders and guests attending the conference:

Mr. Han Mulin, Vice president of China Forging Association

Mr. Zeng Fanchang, researcher of Lao Gan Bureau of Aviation Industry Corporation of China Limited

Mr. Liu Dong, Professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Chairman of the conference

Mr. Bai Yubing, deputy Secretary-General of China Forging Association

Xi 'an Casting and forging association chairman Mr. Wang Zhang

At 8:30 on the morning of the 17th, the meeting started on time, Mr. Han Mulin, Vice president of China Forging Association, gave an opening speech, and Mr. Liu Dong, chairman of the conference and professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University, gave a welcome speech. The meeting was presided over by Associate Professor Wang Jianguo, School of Materials, Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Han Mulin mentioned in his speech that the non-ferrous metal industry is one of the important basic industries of the manufacturing industry, and is an important support for the realization of manufacturing power. Regarding non-ferrous metal forging, one of the key tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan" is to develop new material forging technology, especially to develop light alloy forging technology, increase the development and use of non-ferrous metal forging and special forging processes, and continue to exert force in light metal forging such as aluminum alloy.

In his speech, Professor Liu Dong, chairman of the conference, elaborated on the current situation and future trend of the development of non-ferrous metal forging, and shared the efforts and work that Northwestern Polytechnical University has been doing in the non-ferrous metal forging industry.

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